I was fortunate enough to go to Venice in the summer of 2012 on a trip around Italy with some friends. I had never been to Venice before and was so excited to experience this city.
We took the train in to the train station in Venice which is one of the few ways to get here. The moment I walked out of the train station, suitcase in tow, is a moment I wish I could relive a thousand times over. It truly was a magical feeling, seeing the grand canals, and boats flying past me. I think that moment I fell in love with Venice, and that moment cemented Venice as my favorite place I have been (besides London).
We got a water taxi at the station and the boat whizzed us off to out hostel. As we rode down the grand canal I realized first hand what a magical place Venice was. It was truly a surreal experience, looking around and seeing boats and water instead of cars and roads.
From the moment I arrived, Venice had me. We got to our hostel after getting very lost, and I was itching to get out and explore more of the city that had taken my breath away from the very beginning.
I knew I had all of Venice at my feet, and wanted to explore; I wanted to fall more and more in love with the city with every step that I took....and that is what I did.
*As you can see, my photos from previous posts have disappeared. Google+ and I are having some issues, so please bare with me until I can get all of the photos back up.
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