Monday, January 12, 2015

In 10 years

"Ten years from now, make sure you can say that you chose your life, you didn’t settle for it.” -Mindy Hale

When it comes down to it, me moving abroad is me choosing my life. Yeah, I could stay here in the U.S., where I have lived my life for 24 years. Yes I could go to grad school here in Boston or somewhere else, or not go at all. Yes, I could try to find a job as soon as possible and be there for a few years until I move on to the next thing.

But to me, going this route would be settling. This would be going down the easy route, and settling for 'this is good enough' in my life.

But while moving to London is taking the harder route, but it allows me to say 'this is great' in my life.

So in 10 years, I know I'll look back on my time abroad, and whatever is to come from it, and know that my decision was simply choosing my life and the path I want to go down. I know this journey will be hard and frustrating at times, but I will come out on the other side saying I didn't settle in my life.

In whatever terrifying financial scenario I've imagined in my head from time to time in going to grad school, I know that in doing this for myself I am not settling in what I ultimately want my life to be. I am pursuing a goal and dream of mine that's been a long time coming, and I'm going after it at full speed, no matter what. And I refuse to settle.


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