Friday, September 18, 2015

London, tomorrow.

I wrote this post back on Monday, when my fear of moving was at its peak. I wasn't sure how to deal with it, so at 2 am I decided to just write about it, hence this post. I think in moving overseas, there is a lot of glamour to it, but I don't think you see the side of fear too often.

While I'm less scared now, I did think it was important to share exactly what I was feeling even if it wasn't the most happy or excited kinds of emotions. I'm excited, don't get me's just my fear was clouding that. This is the biggest thing I have ever done in my life, and especially leading up to my leaving, my fear was heightened.

It's going to be incredibly difficult, but I have to do it for myself. It'll be worth it in the end.


I move to London in 5 days. 

My funds have come in, my student visa has been approved, I have a place to live. All of the important things are been sorted out, all of the I’d dotted, and T’s crossed.

And I couldn’t be more terrified.

As the date draws closer, the excitement of moving has ebbed, and the fear has taken over. I’ve been so busy with coming back from South Africa, working and trying to obtain my visa (which was a nightmare) to really give into the fear of what I’m about to do. But now that the date is looming, the fear seems to be the only thing that I’m trying not to give into and it won’t subside.

I absolutely hate change, and I’m making the biggest change of my life so far. I’m trying to come to grips with the fact that  in 5 days every single thing around me will be unfamiliar. The bed I wake up in will not be mine. Trading bus lines for tube lines. Pounds instead of dollars. And I will be completely and utterly alone; this being the biggest change of all. Forcing myself from a life of frequent dependance to complete independence by doing the most radical thing I know possible: moving to a new country completely and utterly alone.

I keep running over and over in my head why I am doing this. I want this. It’s been a dream of mine to live in London for 5 years. Maybe, hopefully this will be the first chapter in my story of a life lived abroad. Yet no matter how many times I repeat my many reasons why, it doesn’t negate the fact that it would be so easy to just stay at home. Right now it seems like the easiest thing in the world. Of course moving to London is right, staying at home is easy. 

As hard as it is, staying home I know isn’t an option. It seems like the easier option, but in time it would prove to not be. The opportunity of a life in London, a life abroad that slipped away would eat away at me as I fell into a mind numbingly boring routine of a life in some U.S. city. 

They say if your dreams don’t scare you, then they aren’t big enough. And I can attest to the fact that this is completely and one hundred percent true. Moving abroad is scary, but staying in my home country is scarier. Even now, with mere days left in the U.S., the fear of moving is prevalent in my daily life but I know I need to get on the plane. Even if it’s one of the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

It’s funny because in past years getting on an airplane was the easiest thing in the world. Getting on that plane meant I was that much closer to starting a new adventure; a new country visited to cross off of my list, only to be put back on my list of places to return to. Now, getting on that plane is like the last step. Once I’m on it, there is no turning back. The plane is the one thing that stands between a life in America and a life in England. I think boarding that plane will be an experience of all different sorts of emotions. A life of traditional routine and other people’s expectations…lost, and left behind. A new life of whatever London has in store for me…almost found and not quite yet discovered.

It’s going to be quite strange leaving the country, not having an idea when I will be back. Once I land in London, a new chapter begins. And I have to hit the ground running, whether I like it or not.

So many people don’t do things out of fear. But it’s important to not listen or give into that fear. While I am positive that fear will be the strongest it as ever been in 5 days time, I can’t give into it.

A life in London is what I wanted, what I’ve waited 5 years for. And now I’m scared shitless for it.

Friday, May 29, 2015


Well, this is it: tomorrow I travel to South Africa! It will be the fourth continent I have been lucky enough to set foot on.

I have a nice 12 hour layover London there & back before making it to the southern most country in Africa. I'm actually very excited to be back in London again - and I just found out today I received my first choice room assignment in the housing I wanted for September! Woo hoo for not being a homeless expat!

Due to the hectic nature of my trip to South Africa, and with me not bringing my computer (can't risk something happening to it/too lazy to drag it with me) I don't think I'll be blogging much while I'm away. However, upon my return I plan on updating with many South Africa posts!

In case you do want to follow me on my adventures, you can follow me on Instagram and Twitter, both are @stormsatsea.

Wish me luck on my adventure in experiencing beautiful South Africa! xx

Thursday, May 7, 2015

You Don't Have to Live the Life You're Expected To

With my college graduation coming up, many people around me are in that often terrifying phase of interviewing and trying to find a job. As for me, I'm preparing for South Africa and moving abroad.

Talk about going down a different path.

In recent months I've decided to embrace the untraditional rather than fight it. Why? Because traditional is boring and predictable and I'm not much of a fan of those things. They say routine is lethal, and in many cases, it very much is.

I was a senior in college in 2012. About to go into my last semester of college, preparing myself for job hunting and trying to ignore the terrifying reality of finding a job with a useless degree. I slowly came to the realization I could not accept the reality of whatever state my life would have been as a post grad at that time. Torn between wanting to be done with school but not wanting to be stuck in a dead end job for the rest of my life, I knew I had to make a change. I knew I had to change my major, my school, the city and state that I lived in.

At the time, I'm sure many thought I was crazy. I knew graduation day would bring a temporary relief, then a crippling depression is trying to create a life with a degree I hated and was not proud to have. I'm sure many people didn't agree with my choice. You graduate college in 4 years, get a job, work until you are 65. Done. That's it. It's just what you do.

Of course I was terrified, not knowing if it was the right thing to do, but I also knew I couldn't settle for where I was or the degree I would have had.

So here we are. Over 2 years later and now I'm about to graduate college...once again. This time though, I'm in a much better place with a degree I'm proud to get.

Of course being in college for 7 years..isn't exactly the traditional way of doing things. And for so long I fought that but recently have grown to accept it and more importantly embrace the untraditional.

Travel has taught me to embrace that. A week after I graduate, I'm off to South Africa. That's not exactly the standard way of doing things, either. And then London for at least a year, and then? Who knows.

What I do know is that whatever and wherever I end up, it doesn't have to be the path everyone else goes down. It doesn't have to be approved by anyone else but me. If my family doesn't approve of whatever country I'm in or whatever I happen to be doing for money, then okay. But if I am happy and fulfilled, then that is what matters.

Because from my travels, I know travel is something I can't give up. Or choose between. Or be satisfied with 2 weeks vacation a year to quench my wanderlust. Country hopping around the globe and making money from whatever source you can isn't exactly the life society experts you to lead but here is the thing: you don't have to live the life you're expected to. Some fight it, and yet some embrace it.

If I'm not happy, then what else matters? If I am not fulfilled, what else matters? If I'm not passionately excited about life, what else matters?

I have no idea what is coming after London. No clue where I'll be in the world, where home base will be, where I'll earn money. That doesn't scare me though. Instead of letting it scare me, I let it inspire me. After London I have a freedom many do not get to have: the choice to do whatever I want wherever it is around the world that I want to do it. To have that take that leap and choose to have adventures across the globe if I so choose to.

You don't have to live the life you're expected to. Because life is either a daring adventure, or nothing at all. As for me? I'm checking off the 'daring adventure' box.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

My First Solo Travel Experience

 Boston Logan airport, ready to fly solo. 

 When I went to London a 2 months ago (I can't believe it's been a 2 months already!) it was my very first trip flying solo. In the past, I've always traveled with friends or a group, but this time I was going it alone. Also, I didn't have much planned where as in my pervious travels it seemed like every minute was planned for. So when I left for my trip knowing this time would be completely different from the past, I was pretty scared, not going to lie.

I was afraid of getting around and finding my way through London. I have a horrible sense of direction and always get lost. I was afraid of navigating the tube. I was afraid of having to get from Heathrow into London. I was afraid of staying in a hostel with strangers and afraid of being bored or lonely. I was pretty much terrified of all of it, and yet still got on the plane. And through my visit I realized something: every single thing I was afraid of? I conquered it. Everything I had feared before going seems so silly now. While there were some bumps along the way, I still came back to the U.S. in one piece and so proud of myself that I had taken on my first trip abroad completely alone.

I've read countless articles about why women should travel solo, and that every woman should do it at least once in there lives. I definitely agree with this, and while it was difficult at times being abroad alone, I am so glad I did it because I needed to have that experience. I can't imagine moving in September without having gone on this trip. If I hadn't gone, my adjustment into the UK would have been a lot more difficult. I needed to figure out the tube and how it works, I needed to get lost (countless of times) and figure out how to not be lost,  and I needed to be able to plan out and do what I wanted by myself. I needed this experience to become more independent; something I struggled with here in America.

My solo experience wasn't all amazing but it wasn't all horrible either. The first few days were hard. It was a big adjustment for me to wake up and decide what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go without consulting a friend or group. London is such a huge city, and I had to be okay with exploring an area and getting completely lost. It's just inevitable when you don't know a place that well. Waking up each day throwing myself into that kind of independence and the slight panic of constantly being threw me.

It was a hard few days at first. Not being used to being alone in a huge city, and I just kind of threw myself into that situation and there was definitely an adjustment period.

I really wanted to love traveling alone, I did. But I didn't. And that's not to say I can't, or won't ever love it. Maybe I just need more time with it...once I am in London and day to day being alone I will become more accustomed to it and my outlook will change.

For now, though, I think I'd like to travel with a friend or a small group. I realize I need that human interaction and someone to experience things with when I travel. This didn't come as a huge surprise to me as I knew this before I left, but being in London alone tested that theory for me and I came out the other side having learned that okay, this is more along the lines of what I personally enjoy when I travel.

All in all though, I'm glad I did it. Hearing over and over again how women should travel alone, at least once in their life, I'm glad I finally did it. It was scary, but it prepared me more for the move in September. Now the move is just a little less scary and intimidating for me.

So, for now I don't think I'll be jetting around the world solo as of yet. But maybe in the future, who knows?

Have you ever traveled solo? What was your experience with it?

Sunday, April 19, 2015

My Big 5: Top 5 Things I Have to See in South Africa

I'm so excited to be counting down the days until I leave for South Africa...exactly 42! I was finally able to book my flight a few weeks ago, which was such a relief. I had been monitoring the flights & price for months, hoping to score a deal and thankfully was able to. I got an incredible deal on my flight plus a long layover in London each way! So I will be back in London for 12 hours in June and July as well.

As the end of May draws closer, I've been doing more and more research on Cape Town and South Africa itself an what to do there hoping to make the most of my free time there. When you are on a safari, they often talk about seeing the Big Five, which refers to the top 5 animals to see on safari. However, I thought I'd talk about my own personal Big own top 5 things I have to do during my month in the country. My Big Five are:

Cage Dive with Sharks

Since South Africa has a huge shark population (primarily great white sharks) it seems only natural to swim with them, right? Okay, maybe not. However cage diving in South Africa is the thing to do, and well, when in Rome right? After talking to someone who has done it, it really isn't as nearly as scary as you would think, nor is it as expensive. It is a cost, but I say to able able to tell people you've swam with sharks, in Africa no less, is totally worth it.

Table Mountain Cable Car Ride

It's one of Cape town's iconic landmarks: Table Mountain. Looming over the city, Table Mountain is a flat topped mountain (flat like a table) that seemingly grew out of the city itself. One of the most common things to do in the city is to take a cable car ride to the top where insanely incredible views of the entire city and the sea below await you. The cable cars themselves are unique as the bottoms are glass and rotate so you never miss out on the view. I hope to make it up here during the day, but also to view a sunset and possibly a sunrise too.

Kirstenbosch Tree Canopy

Located in Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens is a tree canopy; seemingly a pathway built 40 feet above the ground at its highest point, nestled in among the trees. The canopy's construction started in 2013, to commemorate the garden's 100th anniversary of operation. Having been completed then opened in May of 2014, it is a fairly new addition to the gardens but in my opinion, is one I'd like to see.  

Go on a Safari

Safaris are a must do in South Africa, or almost any African country. I am lucky enough to be able to experience a week long stay at Kruger National Park, arguably one of the best places to go on safari in all of South Africa. At 5 million acres in size (!) it seems a week long stay is not nearly enough to experience what this park has to offer. Unlike most safari parks in South Africa that are somewhat in an enclosed or restricted by environment, Kruger is an genuine as it gets. Here the animals are truly in their natural environment and are in the wild. Waking up early every morning to go on game drives or walks is sure to be surreal and I cannot wait.

Boulder’s Beach

One word: penguins. I absolutely adore penguins so I have to come here. Boulder's Beach is a famous beach located along the Cape Peninsula known for being home to a colony of African penguins. Here you'll witness the penguins waddling in the sand and swimming in the beautiful blue waters of False Bay. If you love penguins, Boulder's Beach is an attraction in Cape Town you have to see.

What are your Big 5 things to see in South Africa?

Images via herehereherehere and here.

Monday, March 16, 2015

The Best Laid Plans...

Wanting to pursue grad school, there was and always is the possibility that it might not happen. And if I do go, and want to stay in London, there is a possibility that won't happen either.

Before I left for London, I was set on staying in the UK after my program, no matter what. I couldn't see past that option. But since I've returned, I realized I have to stay practical, and plan for plan B, C, D, etc. in case plan A doesn't work out. I still would like to stay in the UK, and obviously want to pursue my education there, but I have to plan for if I don't get scholarships, or if financing doesn't work out the way I hope it will.

There may only be the private lending option to get loans for school, in which case would be a no go. I don't think people realize how truly horrible private lenders (such as Sallie Mae) are. No payment plans, income based repayment or loan forgiveness here. If that were the case with me as being the only option for funding, grad school wouldn't happen. A huge monthly payment that I wouldn't be able to afford, and have no other option than to pay isn't an option for me. I'm going to talk to someone about what sort of loan options are for me in this process, but I don't know what I don't know. I could assume oh yeah I'll get federal funding, and then not be able to because of whatever sort of circumstances from my situation that might arise.

If I don't get any funding/only funding through private lenders

Try to find a job in the U.S. As devastated I would be to not get adequate funding, I also know I don't want to be stuck with huge monthly payments that I no option but to pay back. A lender won't give two shits about how much I owe versus how much monthly income I have. You HAVE to pay it back, no matter what. And I don't want to subject myself to that. So I would try to find a job in the U.S. maybe in Boston or NYC, giving up on grad school entirely.

Find a job to fund a degree. Many companies will pay for you to get your Master's. Another option would be to get in a company that would pay for my degree, and do my degree in London that way. Though I don't know if companies will pay for you to get your degree in another country...

Find a job with offices in London. A more feasible option, especially if I really want to get to London (and I do) is to work for a company that has offices in London, and after some time, transfer to their office there. This option would be nice because I could be in London with a job already, no extra grad school or cost to be paid. And no worries of finding a job to be able to stay.

Grad school in the U.S. with a study abroad component. I could decide to enroll in a program here in the U.S. and see if I could do a semester or a year abroad at the school's London campus. I have seen this happen, at least for a semester. This is assuming I found a program I liked equally here, and were able to do some or most of my degree in London.

If I were in London & forced to leave

Ah, the best laid plans. I do want to stay in London, but after hearing so many horror stories, I have to plan for if I am not able to stay, assuming I get there in the first place. It's a hard pill to swallow (almost as hard as not being able to go at all.) But it should be planned for in case it doesn't work out and I have no plan B in place.

Move to another country in Europe. Another option would be to try to find a job someone else in the EU. In my very early stages of research, it seems fairly easy to find a visa/work in other countries compared to the UK. I could be wrong, but it seems the UK is extremely difficult with this, while others countries are not. I've been looking into other cities, but definitely would need a big city with good transit. Possibly Amsterdam, Dublin, Brussels, Berlin...who knows. Obviously London is my first choice, but if I want to stay in Europe, it might be a possibility.

Move back to the U.S. trying for a transfer back. Much like the transfer option above, if I hd to move back to the U.S. I would try to find a job with offices in London and work there for a suitable amount of time and try to transfer back to London that way. Most people who move back to the U.S., not voluntarily, plan for this option. Aside from marrying a Brit for a visa...which, well. That would certainly be an interesting way to go about it.

I'm trying to be proactive here, and plan for every possible scenario. I just want to be prepared no matter what happens. I absolutely, 100% want to move to London in September, but there are so many things that could happen in between now & then that I could have never seen coming. I hate having to entertain that possibly happening because I have been planning for this for many months, over a year. I would be so upset to have to change the plan. I am so set in this plan and hate change. So to have to do a complete 180 from what I had originally thought would be terrible.

So for now I'm planning to move to London in September. Whether appropriate funding will come through, and everything will work out remains to be seen. As of right now, the University of Westminster is Plan A and I have every intention of seeing the plan through. I guess time will tell.

Image via here.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

My Week In London

I'm officially back in America after spending the week in London! I got back one week ago, and have spent the past days getting back into the swing of things: working, school...back to daily life. With my hours at my job, and the craziest trimester of school thus far plus planning for South Africa, (not to mention moving)'s going to be a busy few months! At least I have the comfort of knowing Africa is definitely happening. It was touch and go there for awhile about the trip being canceled, which would have been devastating. I am happy to report, however, I am worried no more: it is 100% a go!

I traveled and spent the past week in London mostly by myself (there will be a post on this later) so I had the whole week to myself to explore the city I longed to get back to.

With the exception of checking out my university and housing, I had no concrete plans. This was quite the difference from my previous travels where seemingly every minute was planed and an insane schedule was to be stuck to. I was on my own, and had no one telling me where to go, and what to do and how much time I had left. So once I checked into my hostel, I sat in the room thinking...what now?

I spent the next several days trying to map out a basic plan of what neighborhoods I wanted to explore and what things I wanted to see. Each day I kept thinking of new things to see and do and ended up running out of time. Not surprising though, as there is so much to see and do in London. Good thing I'm going back ;)

I would take the tube to several areas around central London and just walk around and explore (and proceed to get very lost). I explored Notting Hill, Marylebone, Knightsbridge, SoHo, Westminster, Kensington...and so on. I saw so much, and yet saw so little of the huge city that is London.

I also met up with old and new friends! I was able to meet up with Sam from Sam's Fifth Avenue (previously Wandering Grad) who is attending my same university. I have been in touch with Sam for several months now. We got in touch because I had heard she was attending my university and we share a mutual love and obsession for London and travel. We met up, and Sam showed me where I'll hopefully be living in September and told me all about her impending move to NYC. It's always exciting meeting someone you've been talking to for a long time, and meeting Sam was no different!

It was a strange experience visiting my school. It's just after thinking about it for so long, then finally being there in person was surreal. I got to meet the director of my program, see my campus and I also visited potential housing sites. All in all, it was a good experience and I am eager to return in September to start.

I feel a lot better about everything having seen what I did in person. It would be a bigger adjustment had I not gone and seen everything, though still a big adjustment just the same once I move.

Now I just have to finish up my last trimester of school, graduate, go to Africa, wait 2 months THEN I can move. Hope time flies!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

One Week!

I've been very busy in the past week or so with school winding down, finals coming up, working on scholarships for South Africa, starting a new job at a travel company and...prepping for London! One week from today I leave for my favorite city! I haven't been back since 2012 so a visit is way overdue. I can't wait to see old & new friends, my school and housing and to be able to come back and share my adventure of a week in London with you all!

So I've been getting all of the essentials for a trip abroad ready to pack. I recently got a new camera and am so excited to use it to document my trip! I don't think it will hit me until I get to the airport next week that I'm going back to London...

So this time next week I'll be on a plane bound for Iceland (sadly just a short layover) then off to London! Wish me luck and send positive travel vibes my way! xx

Friday, February 6, 2015

Around the neighborhood: Victoria and Westminster

Victoria is a small district located in the borough of Westminster in central London, appropriately named after Queen Victoria. In addition, it will also be my future neighborhood whilst I am in London for the year.

Here is a look at some well known spots around my future neighborhood of Victoria, and the borough of Westminster (shown above):

Big Ben

Big Ben: arguably the most recognized symbol of London out there. Big Ben isn't actually the clock itself, like most think. It's actually the bell inside the clock that chimes on the hour that it refers to. Once I reach the end of my street, I take a right and walk straight on for about 15 minutes to reach Big Ben. Totally okay with it.

Buckingham Palace

Another well recognized monument of London, Buckingham Palace: the home of the Royals. This is the closest monument to my building, and my point of reference when I tell people what part of London I'll be residing in. I tell them I'll be living less than a mile from the palace, and even if they do not know London very well, they know generally the area I'll be in.

Westminster Abbey

Along with Big Ben, Westminster Abbey is another must see tourist attraction for those coming to London. The Abbey is most known for the famous royal weddings held here over the years, as well as royal funerals. It's going to be so strange living so close to here...maybe I'll be able to hear the bells  from my building...

Victoria Station

Victoria Station is the main train/underground hub for Westminster. From this station you can get to Gatwick Airport and to Brighton, plus many other places in-between. I predict many a trip across Europe will start here, with me taking the train to Gatwick to hop a flight on Ryan Air or EasyJet to many of the countries available to me.

St. James's Park

St. James park is one of London's famous parks that finds itself running alongside the mall and Buckingham Palace. This is the closest park or green space to where I'll be living and I'm hoping to make this park a part of my routine while I am in London.

As you can see, I'll be living extremely centrally. I've wanted to live in London for so long. I had passed up other opportunities to live outside of London because it wasn't London itself. I knew what I wanted, and didn't want to settle. It was central London or nothing. If I was moving to London, I want to live IN London. While 'central London' can mean lots of different neighborhoods, I feel like where I'll be it's hard to get more central than that. I think even after day 365 of this journey, I'll still be pinching myself that I live in such a good location. I truly could have never dreamed I'd be living in Victoria or Westminster and I cannot wait to call it my neighborhood, my home.

Victoria Station image via Wikipedia.
Buckingham Palace image here.
Other photos by me.

Friday, January 30, 2015

When You Find Something You Didn't Know You Were Looking For: The Journey to Becoming A Traveler

A well loved passport via Instagram | Follow me @stormsatsea 

I have spent the past 5 years traveling abroad. When I am not traveling, I am planning, researching, working saving for the next inevitable trip. With 100 countries and 7 continents on my horizon, my love for travel and incurable case of wanderlust will never be cured. I think one of the most interesting parts of my journey to becoming a traveler is that I didn't discover my love for travel. As silly as it sounds, my love for travel discovered me.

It was September of 2009. I was 19 years old in my 2nd year of community college. I believe at the time I was somewhere in between wanting to major in journalism and sociology, or maybe I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, I can't remember.

One day my mom got the mail and there was some mail addressed to me inside. It was a brochure from my school advertising a trip over spring break in February to London and Amsterdam.

I had wanted to go, but being presented with this opportunity seemingly out of nowhere, I had a lot of questions. I had never been abroad before, and anytime I had been away or on vacation I was usually with my parents. And then there was the cost to think about. But I realized that I would be 20 years old by the time the trip came, and to me, this was a big step but it had to happen sometime. So I decided to do it. I worked and saved, and with that, financial aid and a little help from my Dad, I was able to finance it.

On February 26th, 2010 I left for London, England. I'm sure at the time I was eager to go on the trip, then would come back and continue to take classes and see where it took me. Fortunately, on that trip, something happened to me. In the course of the 9 day trip through London and Amsterdam I had just a small taste of the world and after that, I wanted to experience all of it. I was bit by the travel bug, and hard. Suddenly, I wanted to go everywhere and see everything, and knew I wanted to live abroad. The 20 year old me who left the Tampa International Airport on that day was not the same 20 year old when I came back. That trip changed me, and changed the path I was going to go down, even if I didn't know it yet.

The next year, I heard my school was going to abroad again, this time to Italy. To have the opportunity to see another country, I knew I had to go. Right before I went, a favorite professor of mine told us 'Travel is the best education you can have. Travel now, while you are young. Don't wait until you are my age, do it now.' And even then, I knew he was right. And I took his advice to heart, knowing that I wanted to see the world.

After Italy, I had set my sights on getting to Paris. At this time, I had transferred at a university in Orlando, and knew that a new school meant knew opportunities to travel. The same time the next year, in 2012, I got word that my former school was going abroad again, this time to Germany, Austria and Paris. I knew I had to go, but my school break didn't coincide with the trip. Somehow I made it work, determined to go. I missed school that week, but it was worth it (even though I paid for it dearly when I returned; I was stressed trying to catch up until finals). I spent the week in Paris, Germany and Austria then traveled for the first time by myself from Munich to Paris to stay with a friend for the week. It was a great experience, seeing Paris through a friend who lived there. It was different than seeing Paris as a tourist. We even took the Eurostar to London for a day, hardly knowing that London would play a big role in both of our futures.

That summer I went abroad again through my university, back to London, Paris and Rome. Going back to the cities I had been to two or three times before, and going back in summer were very different experiences than going to a place for the first time in winter. A group of us took a week and traveled around more of Italy after, so I was able to see even more of Italy I had missed the previous time.

Around this time I knew that travel was important to me, and I didn't just want it to be a hobby or something I did in college. I really loved it and wanted it to be somehow a part of my career. At 22, I finally figured out what I wanted after having no idea for so long.

I moved out of state back to New England to study Travel and Tourism. I think sometime between my summer trip abroad and moving to major in travel I realized I wanted to become a traveler. In that time and since, I have sent my sights on thousands of places all around the world to experience. Travel wouldn't be a once in a lifetime thing for me, it would be constant. I realized travel was not a luxury for me, it is a necessity.

I think that first trip abroad was the big step is setting the stage for me to become a traveler. The more I saw the more I wanted to see. One trip has manifested itself into 5 trips, soon to be 7 trips abroad to 4 other continents and 8 countries.

Never did I think 5 years ago on that first trip I would see so much of Europe and South America as well as South Africa coming up. Never did I think I'd be moving to London and be able to see so much more of Europe. People say I have seen a lot, and I have traveled a lot. To a traveler, though...the world is my playground. To me, I have not seen enough, or done enough. There is always more to see, to experience.

To become a traveler, if you wish to do so I think the biggest thing is the first step: to take a trip abroad. Take a trip to Asia, South America, abroad, volunteer abroad, work abroad...anything to get you there. Once you get a taste of the world outside of your home country, you'll want to see so much of what our world has to offer. And maybe, once will be enough and you'll settle back into your home country, and that's fine. Or maybe, like myself, once will be enough, and you won't be able to get enough and want to travel to every corner of the world.

Travel showed up in my life during a time when I wasn't looking for it, or looking for anything really. That day I got that brochure in the mail was the day I found the thing I didn't know I was looking for. Out of travel I had found not only myself, but the best version of myself. Out of my adventures abroad I am proud to now, and forever, call myself a traveler.

"We travel, initially to loose ourselves; and we travel, next, to find ourselves." - Pico Iyer

Saturday, January 24, 2015

A Life In London

As excited as I am to move to London, I'm actually looking forward to settle into a routine there. Sure, the first few weeks I will be on that high of having just moved, the honeymoon phase of moving if you will. I'm very much looking forward to, after a few months, having a routine in the city. I think one reason why is the thought of living in London and building a routine there, going to some of the same places each day or week, getting used to the idea of being there, is something I never thought I'd get to experience, so it means something to me. Here are some things I'm looking forward to in my London life:

Baker Street/Madame Tussuads. This will be a part of my routine because my campus is located here. I take the Tube to the Baker Street stop (I have been here in the past; I'm sure I passed my building before without even knowing!) then my building is right across from Madame Tussauds wax museum. It'll be pretty cool to be greeted by the green domed building each time I exit my classes.

Starbucks. While I don't hope to make this a frequent part of my routine as Starbucks is expensive (especially in London with the prices in pounds), I imagine it's a place I'll stop once in awhile. I always seem to find my local Starbucks wherever I live, and London will be no different. I know there is one near where I live, which is convenient, but I'm going to try to stop there only when I absolutely have to to try and save some money.

Riding the tube. I know many Londoners have a love/hate relationship with the Tube, however I happen to love it. Coming from a city with an unreliable bus system, having a widespread, efficient underground transit system is like heaven. Each morning I'll have class I'm looking forward to walking to my Tube stop, Victoria, riding it to class and getting off at the Baker Street stop where my campus is.

Buckingham Palace. Possibly one of the most exciting things in my routine...weekly walks past the palace. I'll be living less than a mile from here and am going to try to walk around the area (even with the hoards of tourists) even if I have to go a bit out of my way, simply because I want to soak up the fact that I am practically neighbors to the Queen. I want to relish in the fact I live so closely to a famous monument that practically every visitor to London comes to see.

Regent's Park. A 5 minute walk from my campus, Regent's Park is one of the many parks of London dubbed 'the lungs of London'. Being so close to my campus I'm looking forward to spending many an hour in this park, walking around, taking in the relative quiet and open spaces. On days where the weather permits, I'm hoping to do some reading for my classes in this park before I head off to class for the day.

St. James Park. Another one of London's beautiful parks, this time located a few minutes from my building of residence. I've actually never been in this park before, so I'm looking forward to morning walks in the park, coffee in hand, exploring the park and catching glimpses of the top of the London Eye along the way. I think I'll enjoy living to close to this park most in autumn when the trees start to change all sorts of colors and I can surrounded by my most favorite season of the year.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The "Right" Path

In late 2012, I made the decision to leave my current public university, one semester shy of graduation to move out of state to a private university because I wanted to switch my major to Travel/Tourism.

It was a huge risk, and still is. Only recently I've started to say 'it's been worth it so far' and have believed it.

This decision was a huge risk because I didn't know if I was doing the right thing. Maybe I should stay and finish my degree and try to get a job, a bi-weekly paycheck, a 9-5 cubicle. That's what most people view as 'success.' Make money, pay off loans...whatever.

Some people didn't care that I hated my degree. I wasn't proud to have it, and I knew that whatever job I ended up in, if I could even get a job, would have made me incredibly unhappy.

So in changing my degree I have gained internships and experience, been to South America and soon South Africa, and am pursuing grad school and living abroad. Would I have done any of this if I had stayed where I was? Absolutely not.

In pursuing grad school I am once again faced with another huge risk. Probably the biggest risk thus far in my life. And sometimes I wonder if it will be worth it, if it will pay off.

Those times when the crippling fear of debt seems to consume me, seemingly out of nowhere something about London comes up and it reminds me: this is going to work. You're going down the right path. You are doing the right thing.

Maybe it's a sign, or maybe I'm just making it up in my head. Though I know choosing what I really want, and pursuing my own path in my own life has taken me to some incredible places so far, so I'm going to continue to go down my own path and see where it leads me.

September. London and a one way ticket. Let's see where it takes me.

Saturday, January 17, 2015


I was fortunate enough to go to Venice in the summer of 2012 on a trip around Italy with some friends. I had never been to Venice before and was so excited to experience this city.
We took the train in to the train station in Venice which is one of the few ways to get here. The moment I walked out of the train station, suitcase in tow, is a moment I wish I could relive a thousand times over. It truly was a magical feeling, seeing the grand canals, and boats flying past me. I think that moment I fell in love with Venice, and that moment cemented Venice as my favorite place I have been (besides London). 
We got a water taxi at the station and the boat whizzed us off to out hostel. As we rode down the grand canal I realized first hand what a magical place Venice was. It was truly a surreal experience, looking around and seeing boats and water instead of cars and roads.
From the moment I arrived, Venice had me. We got to our hostel after getting very lost, and I was itching to get out and explore more of the city that had taken my breath away from the very beginning. 
I knew I had all of Venice at my feet, and wanted to explore; I wanted to fall more and more in love with the city with every step that I took....and that is what I did.
*As you can see, my photos from previous posts have disappeared. Google+ and I are having some issues, so please bare with me until I can get all of the photos back up.

Monday, January 12, 2015

In 10 years

"Ten years from now, make sure you can say that you chose your life, you didn’t settle for it.” -Mindy Hale

When it comes down to it, me moving abroad is me choosing my life. Yeah, I could stay here in the U.S., where I have lived my life for 24 years. Yes I could go to grad school here in Boston or somewhere else, or not go at all. Yes, I could try to find a job as soon as possible and be there for a few years until I move on to the next thing.

But to me, going this route would be settling. This would be going down the easy route, and settling for 'this is good enough' in my life.

But while moving to London is taking the harder route, but it allows me to say 'this is great' in my life.

So in 10 years, I know I'll look back on my time abroad, and whatever is to come from it, and know that my decision was simply choosing my life and the path I want to go down. I know this journey will be hard and frustrating at times, but I will come out on the other side saying I didn't settle in my life.

In whatever terrifying financial scenario I've imagined in my head from time to time in going to grad school, I know that in doing this for myself I am not settling in what I ultimately want my life to be. I am pursuing a goal and dream of mine that's been a long time coming, and I'm going after it at full speed, no matter what. And I refuse to settle.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

A month in South Africa

As you all know I'll be spending a month in South Africa in June and I couldn't be more excited! Here are the things I am most excited about doing and hope that I get to experience them:

Watch the sunset from Table Mountain. Table Mountain is a flat topped mountain located in Cape Town. It is prominent landmark that seems to watch over the city. You can take a cable car up to the top (and have an incredible view from here) as well as incredible views from the top of the mountain. It would be incredible to watch the sunset, or sunrise, from here at some point during my time here.

Explore the neighborhood of Bo Kaap. Bo Kaap is a well known neighborhood in Cape Town most recognized by the very bright colors that the homes here are painted. The brightly painted homes here remind me a lot of Burano, Italy (an island off of Venice) which similarly has homes of brightly painted colors.

Cage diving with great white sharks. South Africa is known for its great white shark population, and I'll be damned if I make it all the way there and don't cage dive with them. Knowing people who've done it, it sounds extremely safe to do. I feel like one can't go to South Africa and not do this is pretty high on my to do list while I'm in the country.

Go skydiving (???) Okay, so I haven't completely convinced myself to do this one yet. I'll most likely have the opportunity to do so...and might not take the plunge (no pun intended) until the last possible second, assuming I muster up the courage to jump. On one hand, this is pretty terrifying even though I'm not afraid of heights. On the other hand, will I have the opportunity to skydive again? Maybe. In South Africa? No, probably not as this trip most likely will be once in a lifetime (though I do adopt the 'visit everywhere twice' philosophy). So we will see. It might come down to the cost of it, but I do ultimately think if I don't do this, I'll always wish I had.

Explore Fish Hoek. Fish Hoek (pronounced Fish Hook) is a town on the eastern side of the Cape Town peninsula, about 45 minutes from the city. I'm excited to experience this town because it is where I'll be staying while I am in Cape Town. I'l be staying in a lodge about 5 minutes from the beach in Fish Hoek. As someone who will never tire of the beach, and always feels at home by the sea I am so excited to have the beach in such close proximity to me for a few weeks.

Robben Island. Nelson Mandela and his continuous fight to end apartheid in South Africa is a huge part of the countries history and why they are where they are today, so it is only right that we will be visiting Robben Island, where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for many years of his life for trying to fight to stop apartheid. Robben Island is especially fascinating to me because the guides here used to, at one time, actually be prisoners there.

See the Big 5 in Kruger National Park. Kruger is THE place to go on Safari in South Africa. We aren't in Disney World's Animal Kingdom anymore here. At the end of the day even if I don't get to see the Big 5, just the fact that I'll get to say I went on safari here is worth it to me. June here yet?!
What would you want to see if you were to spend a month exploring South Africa?

Image from here.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Travel Goals for 2015

I hope 2015 is the year of many new adventures for me. I want this year to be filled with many new places that I've been itching to explore for a very long time. Here are some places I'm hoping to travel to this year:


This trip is already happening; the flight and accommodation are booked. This trip back to London is what is getting me through all of the schoolwork over the next 8 weeks or so. I am so excited to be getting back to London in March because I haven't visited London since July of 2012. This trip is all about a "warm-up" for the move in September. I'll check out my school, tour my campus and the surrounding areas, and see where I'll hopefully be living and explore the neighborhood. I also hope to meet some new people I've been in touch with and hope they become new friends when I finally make the move.

South Africa

This trip, as well, is definitely happening. Since I'm going with my school (as the one last big thing before I am done with undergrad forever - why not go out with a bang, right?) I've sent in my deposit and have worked very hard the past few weeks to save up for the flight. I'm hoping to book the flight in the coming weeks, though have to wait for the go ahead from my school to do so. I hope the fares stay low as they are now as saving as much as I can for the move is important.

I'm extremely lucky to be able to get to spend an entire month abroad in South Africa. Most of our time will be in Cape Town and the surrounding peninsula, but we will also fly cross country to north-eastern South Africa to spend a week on safari in Kruger Nation Park (!!!!) then round out the month with a few days in Joburg before I fly back to the U.S. I have so many things I want to do in South Africa; so much I want to accomplish and I can't wait for June to get here - I think this trip will be my most incredible one yet.

New York

I'll have the months of July & August to sort out the last minute things before moving to London in September, and while most of it I'll hope to be working to build up my bank account (thanks London & South Africa) I hope I can take a small trip to New York City. Growing up in Connecticut, I used to visit NYC a lot only being a short train ride away, and now that I am back in New England, though a different state, visiting NYC is still accessible (and cheap) thanks to the MegaBus. A friend of mine Sam from Wandering Grad, who is currently in London for her Master's as well, is moving to New York in the spring and I hope to visit her there over the summer. It's been 5 years since I last visited New York and I'd love to get back there and experience the city, even just for a little while.


Every time I see a new photo of Iceland, it ignites a wanderlust in me and I want to go there even more than I did before. I'm pretty sure it is impossible to take a bad photo there - every part of Iceland looks incredibly gorgeous. After I move in September, Iceland is one of those places at the top my travel list. I technically will be in Iceland in March, but just for a short layover so I hope to get back later in the year and really explore the incredibly beautiful topography and landscapes Iceland offers.


I've written about Prague before here, and yes I still want to go just as badly. I've wanted to visit Prague for the past 10 years or so and once I am settled in London I will be keeping an eye out for cheap flights there. What entrances me most about the city is the incredibly well preserved old town of Prague, as well as the architecture and the red roofs that go on for miles throughout the city. I fall more in love with Prague the more I see of it, and know that the beauty in photos just don't do the city justice; I just have to experience it for myself.


Oh man, Norway. It's no secret that Norway is insanely beautiful. I mean, those fjords?! No wonder Norway is consistently voted one of the most beautiful places to visit. Scandinavia is a region of Europe I've wanted to set foot in for a long time and I hope living in London will finally allow me to to so. I want to see the natural beauty of the fjords that look like they can't possibly be real; they must be a painting or something out of a fairytale. I hope to experience Norway in winter, covered in snow and in summer doused in sun and warm weather.

Where do you want to travel to in 2015?

South Africa image from here
New York image from here
Iceland image from here
Prague image from here
Norway image from here