Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Notting Hill

A peek into my favorite neighborhood in London, Notting Hill. These photos were taken on my last visit to London 2 years ago. On this trip I was finally able to explore more of Notting Hill. I was with a small group and we took the tube to Notting Hill Gate and explored. I fell more in love with every step I took, and wanted to capture every inch of this part of London with my camera. Being with a group, and on a schedule I was limited to how much time I could spend photographing this neighborhood. Constantly walking, trying to find the nearest tube station, compromised the quality of the photos...something that bothers me to this day. I have many more snapshots that had the potential to be good, but were ruined for the sake of trying to be somewhere I can't even remember. I look forward to the days where I can explore every bit of this part of the city, by myself, better camera in hand.


  1. For sure the best neighborhood in London!


  2. Aww! Notthing Hill! Miss this place!
