Monday, March 16, 2015

The Best Laid Plans...

Wanting to pursue grad school, there was and always is the possibility that it might not happen. And if I do go, and want to stay in London, there is a possibility that won't happen either.

Before I left for London, I was set on staying in the UK after my program, no matter what. I couldn't see past that option. But since I've returned, I realized I have to stay practical, and plan for plan B, C, D, etc. in case plan A doesn't work out. I still would like to stay in the UK, and obviously want to pursue my education there, but I have to plan for if I don't get scholarships, or if financing doesn't work out the way I hope it will.

There may only be the private lending option to get loans for school, in which case would be a no go. I don't think people realize how truly horrible private lenders (such as Sallie Mae) are. No payment plans, income based repayment or loan forgiveness here. If that were the case with me as being the only option for funding, grad school wouldn't happen. A huge monthly payment that I wouldn't be able to afford, and have no other option than to pay isn't an option for me. I'm going to talk to someone about what sort of loan options are for me in this process, but I don't know what I don't know. I could assume oh yeah I'll get federal funding, and then not be able to because of whatever sort of circumstances from my situation that might arise.

If I don't get any funding/only funding through private lenders

Try to find a job in the U.S. As devastated I would be to not get adequate funding, I also know I don't want to be stuck with huge monthly payments that I no option but to pay back. A lender won't give two shits about how much I owe versus how much monthly income I have. You HAVE to pay it back, no matter what. And I don't want to subject myself to that. So I would try to find a job in the U.S. maybe in Boston or NYC, giving up on grad school entirely.

Find a job to fund a degree. Many companies will pay for you to get your Master's. Another option would be to get in a company that would pay for my degree, and do my degree in London that way. Though I don't know if companies will pay for you to get your degree in another country...

Find a job with offices in London. A more feasible option, especially if I really want to get to London (and I do) is to work for a company that has offices in London, and after some time, transfer to their office there. This option would be nice because I could be in London with a job already, no extra grad school or cost to be paid. And no worries of finding a job to be able to stay.

Grad school in the U.S. with a study abroad component. I could decide to enroll in a program here in the U.S. and see if I could do a semester or a year abroad at the school's London campus. I have seen this happen, at least for a semester. This is assuming I found a program I liked equally here, and were able to do some or most of my degree in London.

If I were in London & forced to leave

Ah, the best laid plans. I do want to stay in London, but after hearing so many horror stories, I have to plan for if I am not able to stay, assuming I get there in the first place. It's a hard pill to swallow (almost as hard as not being able to go at all.) But it should be planned for in case it doesn't work out and I have no plan B in place.

Move to another country in Europe. Another option would be to try to find a job someone else in the EU. In my very early stages of research, it seems fairly easy to find a visa/work in other countries compared to the UK. I could be wrong, but it seems the UK is extremely difficult with this, while others countries are not. I've been looking into other cities, but definitely would need a big city with good transit. Possibly Amsterdam, Dublin, Brussels, Berlin...who knows. Obviously London is my first choice, but if I want to stay in Europe, it might be a possibility.

Move back to the U.S. trying for a transfer back. Much like the transfer option above, if I hd to move back to the U.S. I would try to find a job with offices in London and work there for a suitable amount of time and try to transfer back to London that way. Most people who move back to the U.S., not voluntarily, plan for this option. Aside from marrying a Brit for a visa...which, well. That would certainly be an interesting way to go about it.

I'm trying to be proactive here, and plan for every possible scenario. I just want to be prepared no matter what happens. I absolutely, 100% want to move to London in September, but there are so many things that could happen in between now & then that I could have never seen coming. I hate having to entertain that possibly happening because I have been planning for this for many months, over a year. I would be so upset to have to change the plan. I am so set in this plan and hate change. So to have to do a complete 180 from what I had originally thought would be terrible.

So for now I'm planning to move to London in September. Whether appropriate funding will come through, and everything will work out remains to be seen. As of right now, the University of Westminster is Plan A and I have every intention of seeing the plan through. I guess time will tell.

Image via here.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

My Week In London

I'm officially back in America after spending the week in London! I got back one week ago, and have spent the past days getting back into the swing of things: working, school...back to daily life. With my hours at my job, and the craziest trimester of school thus far plus planning for South Africa, (not to mention moving)'s going to be a busy few months! At least I have the comfort of knowing Africa is definitely happening. It was touch and go there for awhile about the trip being canceled, which would have been devastating. I am happy to report, however, I am worried no more: it is 100% a go!

I traveled and spent the past week in London mostly by myself (there will be a post on this later) so I had the whole week to myself to explore the city I longed to get back to.

With the exception of checking out my university and housing, I had no concrete plans. This was quite the difference from my previous travels where seemingly every minute was planed and an insane schedule was to be stuck to. I was on my own, and had no one telling me where to go, and what to do and how much time I had left. So once I checked into my hostel, I sat in the room thinking...what now?

I spent the next several days trying to map out a basic plan of what neighborhoods I wanted to explore and what things I wanted to see. Each day I kept thinking of new things to see and do and ended up running out of time. Not surprising though, as there is so much to see and do in London. Good thing I'm going back ;)

I would take the tube to several areas around central London and just walk around and explore (and proceed to get very lost). I explored Notting Hill, Marylebone, Knightsbridge, SoHo, Westminster, Kensington...and so on. I saw so much, and yet saw so little of the huge city that is London.

I also met up with old and new friends! I was able to meet up with Sam from Sam's Fifth Avenue (previously Wandering Grad) who is attending my same university. I have been in touch with Sam for several months now. We got in touch because I had heard she was attending my university and we share a mutual love and obsession for London and travel. We met up, and Sam showed me where I'll hopefully be living in September and told me all about her impending move to NYC. It's always exciting meeting someone you've been talking to for a long time, and meeting Sam was no different!

It was a strange experience visiting my school. It's just after thinking about it for so long, then finally being there in person was surreal. I got to meet the director of my program, see my campus and I also visited potential housing sites. All in all, it was a good experience and I am eager to return in September to start.

I feel a lot better about everything having seen what I did in person. It would be a bigger adjustment had I not gone and seen everything, though still a big adjustment just the same once I move.

Now I just have to finish up my last trimester of school, graduate, go to Africa, wait 2 months THEN I can move. Hope time flies!