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I've been a tad big neglectful of this blog as of late. School has started back up so I've been busy with that as well getting a bunch of lose ends tied up and things in order. I'm in this weird limbo right now where I am not inspired to write here or finish up my personal statement, and if inspiration to write does hit, it's at the worst time when I am not able to. I'm also waiting on my application references, so maybe once I get those I can kick finishing up this application into high gear.
Two friends of mine have made the move over to London last week. It's a weird feeling of so much excitement for them and a painful ache of longing and jealousy on my end because I want to be there, too. A year feels entirely too far away. At the same time, seeing their day to day pictures and posts keeps me motivated and keeps me looking toward the future.
A lot of people have been very supportive of my decision to go to grad school abroad recently. Family members, friends and my references have been very supportive of this decision which helps counteract the doubts that creep in at times. This decision is very much an amazing opportunity, but also completely terrifying too. I try to focus on the support from those around me, as well as deriving reassurance from this quote above when the terrifying side of this decision comes into play more than I'd like it to.
I'm at the point where, at the end of the day I just want to know if I am getting accepted. I'm trying to finish up this application so acceptance can come sooner rather than later, but with other things going on and not having inspiration to write, it's frustrating. It's always been 'if I get in' and now I just want to know. Once I know for sure I can start looking into paying for it (talk about terrifying.)
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