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Prague is quickly inching to the top of my list of places to take a long weekend trip to during my time in London. I have wanted to go to Prague for about 10 years now. Ever since I saw the movie Chasing Liberty in 2004, part of which is set in Prague, I have been enchanted by the city and have been itching to go.
Prague, to me, looks like it's straight out of a fairytale. I think Prague's Old Town is one of the most well preserved Old Towns throughout Europe. There is always that worry that I build up places in my head to be greater than they actually are. A friend of mine, who is in London for her Master's, just recently took a weekend trip to Prague, and calmed my fears of the city not being everything I imagine it to be. She described Prague as "everything she dreamed it would be...a gorgeous city." She cannot wait to go back. As for me, I can't wait to just go.
One thing on my list to do in Prague is visit a special cafe. Several years ago, I saw a Samantha Brown episode where she went to Prague. She went to a cafe there called Cafe Imperial. She wanted to visit it to see if what she had read about it was true. She had read that this cafe had a pile of donuts sitting out on the counter that were stale; hard as rocks. For about 60 U.S. dollars, you were allowed to buy the entire plate of stale donuts, and throw them at people in the cafe! No joke. Of course, they couldn't guarantee your safety if you did this however. I'm not sure why, but when I heard that I knew I had to check this place out. Not sure what that says about me...but the concept of being allowed to throw stale donuts at people is hilarious and ridiculous. Now I wouldn't actually buy the donuts and throw them, but maybe take a photo of them at least. Unfortunately, upon my research apparently the plate of donuts has been taken away! So sad. Maybe in recent years, they've put them back. Even without the stale donuts, I would still like to check out the cafe. It looks like a beautiful cafe and restaurant decorated with thousands of ceramic tiles and ornate columns.
I'm already looking up airfares on RyanAir and EasyJet in anticipation of booking a trip over a long weekend next year onceI get settled in London.
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