In one of my recent posts I mentioned how I was a bit stuck with my grad school application process. I was confused on what to put down for a couple of sections of the application and wasn't sure where to find the answer. After asking around, and still being just as confused I realized: why don't I just Google it? Duh. I wasn't sure exactly what to Google, but I figured I'd better start somewhere. I Googled, and low and behold, the very first link that came up provided all of the answers!
Some incredibly amazing person who had also been through the grad school application process, took the time to write out a very long post detailing every section of the application and what to put in every section! I couldn't believe it. I was so relieved reading it. That post has seriously helped me so, so much in the recent days of filling out the application.
So now that that is behind me, I am on to completing more sections and am about halfway through. The biggest things now are writing the personal statement, getting my references and mailing out my transcripts.
This process is pretty daunting, but very exciting! I can't wait to submit my application; it's going to be very surreal.
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